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Our Parish

St. Ieronymos of Aegina Orthodox Church

St. Ieronymos of Aegina Church was founded with the blessing of Metropolitan Demetrius of America in the fall of 2021. Our parish life is centered around the Church services - see our monthly schedule - ongoing serious catechesis, the traditional disciplines of Orthodoxy within a patriarchal family life, and mutual support among the families that comprise our parish brotherhood. We are consciously assertive about supporting families in a counter-cultural, recognizably Christian way of life, eschewing government schooling for our children and the false worldview created by "mainstream" media culture.

Founded in 2021

With the blessing of Metropolitan Demetrius of America our parish was founded in 2021. Our parish consists of regularly attending families.  We have Slavic and Greek parishioners, as well as new converts to the Faith.

Our Community

Our community consists of people of various ages, mostly families with children. Our total membership is around 30, and we are always happy to have visitors join us for services. 


Visitors are invited and welcomed. In addition to our regularly scheduled services, we enjoy having a meal and coffee after church together on Sundays. Thursday nights, Father Steven hosts an adult class, and catechism class is on Tuesday evening. All are welcome to attend. 


Orthodox Church Hillsdale MI

What to Expect

Orthodox services are liturgical, long, and formal. They are conducted by the clergy and chanters according to the rules established by the Apostles
and Saints.


You will find the atmosphere prayerful and peaceful, with no pressure to "participate" other than to attend quietly and pray. If you can't follow everything or understand everything, don't worry: neither do we. It's bigger than any of us. Just soak it up.

Services are conducted in English.

Men stand on the right side of the Church and women on the left.

Clothing is to be modest and dignified.


Men are expected to wear long sleeves and long pants.


Women wear long sleeves and skirts below the
knee (no cross-dressing, i.e., trousers!), and they cover their heads with a scarf.

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